beyond the table-march is nutrition month!

March is National Nutrition Month®. During the month of March, everyone is invited to learn about making informed food choices and developing healthful eating. The theme for National Nutrition Month® in 2024 is “Beyond the Table”, which addresses the farm-to-fork aspect of nutrition, from food production and distribution to navigating grocery stores and farmers markets. It also describes the various ways we eat and includes sustainability.

Each week in March, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics will focus on spreading the word about healthy eating.

Stay nourished on any budget. No matter what you budget, you can eat healthy. Use a grocery list and shop sales when purchasing food. Learn about community resources such as SNAP, WIC, and local food banks. And learn skills for cooking at home, food prep, and meal planning to help you and your family thrive each day.

Eat a variety of foods from all food groups. This can include food in various forms, including fresh, frozen, canned, and dried. Experiment with recipes using different ingredients. Include your favorite cultural foods and traditions, while also trying new foods or global cuisines.

Eat with the environment in mind. Get creative with leftovers and ways to reduce food waste. Enjoy more plant-based meals and snacks. Buy foods in season and from local farmers when possible. And consider growing your own food at home or in a community garden.

Meet with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. A dietitian can help you create a personalized nutrition plan to meet your health goals.

If you are looking to eat healthier this month, check out these tips:

Drink more water. We all know that water plays an important role in keeping our bodies healthy, but it can be hard to drink the recommended amount. Try making it fun by adding fruit to flavor your water or challenge a friend to help keep you on track.

Choose color. When in doubt, throw some color on your plate with fruits and vegetables. Bright greens from crunchy vegetables or vibrant reds from fabulous fruits will not only make your meal look better, they will also give you a healthy boost.

Pack your lunch. Avoiding restaurants, fast-food joints, and vending machines may seem obvious to making healthier food choices. But one of the even more important things that comes from packing your lunch is the ability to control your portion sizes.

This March celebrate National Nutrition Month® in a fun new way. Try new foods and recipes. If you are looking for inspiration on different fruits and vegetables, visit:


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