Dose of Reality: Real Talk About Opioids Can Save Lives

Opioids are casting a shadow over Wisconsin. In 2022 alone, the state witnessed over 1,400 opioid-related deaths and 3500 hospitalizations. These drugs are hitting close to home. In 2022, 6 opioid-related deaths occurred in Jackson County. With our small population size, Jackson County’s rate of opioid-related deaths is one of the highest in the state. The numbers scream for action, and Dose of Reality empowers us to fight back.

Wisconsin's current opioid epidemic has its origins in the overprescribing of pain medication two decades ago. When access to these medications became more restricted, heroin use surged to fill the gap. Presently, the most significant threat comes from illegally manufactured fentanyl-laced drugs, which are causing widespread devastation in our communities.

Opioids, both legal and illegal, create a pleasurable effect, but the experience varies. Doctors may prescribe them for pain management after surgery. Examples include oxycodone, hydrocodone, and morphine.

Opioids can also be misused. Some turn to them to numb emotional pain, trauma, or life's struggles. Heroin and fentanyl are the main culprits in non-medical use, with fentanyl overdoses a terrifying reality. It's 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine!

However, addiction can strike anyone. Often, it starts subtly, with dependence on prescribed pain medication. Someone managing pain might not realize dependence has morphed into addiction. This is a particular concern for older adults. Addiction can also stem from emotional struggles.

As a friend or family member, being prepared to talk about opioids is crucial. Dose of Reality Wisconsin ( is your resource hub. It offers information on opioids, conversation starters for those suspected of struggling, and how to use Narcan® in case of an overdose. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of an opioid emergency is also essential.

Talking is key. Keep it casual, listen attentively, and express concern. Start with a simple, "I've been worried. Can we talk?" or "You haven't seemed yourself lately. How can I help?" Offer support, not judgment. Let compassion guide your words. You don't need all the answers, but you can help them find the resources they need. A simple, "You're not alone. I'm here for you, and I want to help," can open the door to a life-changing conversation.

The first talk might not be easy but stay connected. Dose of Reality offers additional conversation tips.

Visit to learn more about this critical issue affecting our friends and neighbors in Jackson County. Dose of Reality is a collaborative effort by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and the Wisconsin Department of Justice.

Together, let's turn the tide on the opioid crisis.


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